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What are dermal fillers?


Dermal fillers are used to smooth the appearance of deep grooves and facial wrinkles. They are produced using Hyaluronic Acid, a substance that is found occurring naturally in the body. They lift and smooth folds and wrinkles by adding volume, and give definition and structural support to the face.


Are dermal fillers safe?


As dermal fillers are made up of molecular structures of Hyaluronic Acid, a substance already taking place in the body, there is a significantly decreased risk of an adverse reaction, and so are very safe treatments.


How do dermal fillers work?


Dermal fillers work by adding volume to the injection sites. They can fill wrinkles and plump the cheeks, thereby giving your face a fresher, more youthful look. The Hyaluronic Acid in the filler also attracts water molecules to the injected area so moisture is locked in to the area and your skin will feel more hydrated.


Which areas are suitable for dermal fillers?


Tear Troughs


Tear troughs are well defined, deep, dark hollows that are located between the lower eyelid, nose and upper cheek. They can make you look tired and haggard, and in some cases, unwell. Often they are genetic rather than a sign of ageing, and can appear in some people in their early twenties. Take heart however, it is possible to successfully treat tear troughs with the use of dermal fillers. These will plump up the hollows, giving you a fresher, healthier and more rested appearance.


Non- Surgical Rhinoplasty


Many people are unhappy with the shape of their nose – they may feel that it is too small; crooked; lumpy, or asymmetrical. If you are one of these people, then be content in the knowledge that dermal fillers can be used in various ways to help produce an effect that aesthetically balances the nose with the rest of the facial features. These treatments are used to augment the height and definition of the bridge of the nose and other areas. This creates a shape that blends in more easily with the rest of your facial features.


Jaw Re-Shaping


The saggy skin that appears below your chin as you age is called ‘jowls’. These appear over time as the skin thins and loses its elasticity, and almost everyone will develop them. Many factors lead to the development of jowls including; smoking; genetics; sun exposure; weight loss, and extensive phone and computer use.

Worry not however; there is a solution to help you deal with your jowls. Dermal fillers can be injected into the hollow between the chin and the jowl. This masks the gap by providing a smooth transition from the chin to the jaw line.


Chin Re-Shaping


A strong chin is often seen as a sign of success – catwalk models, actors, sportsmen, even superheroes, sport strong chins.

If you feel that you have a weak chin, there is a simple way to check. Take a picture of you profile and then draw a line from the inner part of your eyebrow, down past your nostril to your chin. If you have a straight line, your face is in proportion; however if the line veers back towards your neck, you may benefit from chin augmentation using dermal fillers injected at sites along the jaw.


Other areas most commonly treated with dermal fillers are:


Naso-labial folds or laughter lines – these run down the side of the nose to the mouth and can be filled to give a smooth smile.

Marionette lines or oral commissure lines -these lines run down from the corners of the mouth and give a stern appearance to the face. These lines can be treated with dermal fillers.

Cheek enhancement – as we age, the fat in our faces decreases and migrates downwards causing your face to sag. Dermal fillers plump up the cheeks and give them a younger look.


How does the treatment take place?


15 – 20 minutes before the treatment takes place, a prescription anaesthetic cream is applied to the injection sites. The filler is injected at precise locations and the skin is massaged to smooth the material. During the treatment you will have a mirror so that you can see the results which appear immediately. The whole treatment takes around 30 minutes.


Who is this treatment suitable for?


Dermal Fillers are suitable for most people, however not if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.


How long do dermal fillers last?


Depending on the areas treated, and the metabolism rate of the patient, dermal fillers can last from 6-12 months. The Hyaluronic Acid is broken down by the body so repeat treatments will be necessary if you wish to maintain a specific look.


Side effects


If you suffer from cold sores, make sure that you have an oral prescription prior to your treatment as it may provoke an outbreak.

Common injection related effects may include:

  • Swelling

  • Redness

  • Pain

  • Itching

  • Discolouration

  • Tenderness

These symptoms should resolve in 2-7 days


After Care


  • Do not take aspirin, ibuprofen or advil for 2 days after treatment – AVOID them for 1 week prior to treatment.

  • Use ice on swollen areas immediately after treatment

  • Avoid exercise, except for walking, for 24 hours after treatment





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